Mark your calenders for what I believe will be one of the best Myeloma Cure Panel Broadcasts yet presented. Dr. Vincent Rajkumar will be discussing the subject of Cure vs. Control for Multiple Myeloma at 5:00 pm EST on February 26th. For instructions on how to listen or to ask your questions on air CLICK HERE.
The subject of CURE vs. CONTROL for multiple myeloma has been a vigorously debated subject for a very long time. Dr. Rajkumar had been a proponent of the Control Treatment Philosophy and ten years ago, when few if any people believed that myeloma was curable, control was overwhelmingly the majority view. But maybe "The Times They Are A-Changin". More and more doctors are now saying the big C word, CURE.
I mention the Myeloma "Dream Team" because I believe Mayo has assembled a world class team of medical professionals for the primary purpose of fighting multiple myeloma. In the current Olympic charged atmosphere, I remember the first time the USA assembled the best NBA basketball players, the first DREAM TEAM which resulted in a gold medal performance. Mayo's improvement in survival rates is nothing short of miraculous. The Mayo Clinic Medical Edge Video from July 11, 2011 states that their 3 year survival has improved from 29% to close to 90%. When compared to the SEER rate of 55.6% you are at least 3 times more likely to survive three years under their care than at the average of all facilities that report their data to the National Cancer Institute.

Not wanting to put Dr. Rajkumar on the spot, but hold onto your hats, because we have an Olympic level performance in the making. You can view his exceptional bio if you CLICK HERE. If you would like to see a 2011 Blood Journal article by Dr. Rajkumar on this subject CLICK HERE.
For more information on multiple myeloma survival rates and life expectancy go to the web site, or you can follow me on my twitter account at:
P.S. - As you may have heard Tom Brokaw of NBC has been diagnosed with Myeloma and will be getting his treatment at Mayo. Tom, welcome to a great group of people that no one wants to join. You are in excellent hands at Mayo. May God Bless your myeloma journey. View a blog post on Tom Brokaw CLICK HERE.