The first attempt at this was the effort of Mayo Clinic which developed the mSmart program. This program provided a template that doctors could follow to provide a care outline designed and developed by some of the very best minds in myeloma research and treatment. You can go to the mSmart program if you CLICK HERE. I get emails from people in India, Pakistan, Romania, Australia, and many other countries, and part of my advice is to have their oncologist follow the mSmart guidelines if possible. More recently Dr. Fonseca of Mayo, Phoenix and the Myeloma Crowd have put together what I would call the next step in the process to make expert advice individualized, and in a manner patients can use and understand. It was designed by myeloma experts, myeloma patients and is called The Myeloma Health Tree. There will be a roll-out through out the country, and an example of the June 6th Jacksonville, Florida workshop content is available if your CLICK HERE. A listing for national roll-out will be available at the
This will not only be used in the USA, but can be available and in use anywhere in the world. Not only that, but it may one day be considered a benchmark approach for use with many other complex, incurable or late stage cancers.
Good luck and may God Bless your Cancer Journey. For more information on multiple myeloma survival rates and treatments CLICK HERE and you can follow me on twitter at: