In addition, we know that every new drug provides a longer life expectancy. In the last 10 years the National Cancer Institutes SEER data base has shown life expectancy for myeloma going up from 3 years to now 6 years or a 100% improvement. Miracle, or the secret sauce, of a dedicated and oh so talented group of researchers, myeloma specialists, myeloma organizations(IMF, MMRF, Myeloma Crowd, LLS), FDA, NCI, advocates, care givers, drug companies big and small, and care teams. I wish someone could bottle this secret sauce and make it available to the other 5999 rare diseases! We have been blessed with an abundance in new drug development.
One thing for certain is that if the life expectancy goes up by 100%, so does the cost to keep this chronic disease in check and the need for the next new drug until a cure is developed. Will we get the next new drug if there is little if any financial incentive for the drug manufactures? Based on the results of the Orphan Drug Act, incentives provide improved drug supply!
For now let's just celebrate our Myeloma Miracle, and hope and pray it continues until we find a cure, and quickly!
Good luck and God Bless your Cancer Journey/ [email protected]
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