Einstein once said that insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. We patients frequently look at our symptoms of exhaustion, bone and joint pain, anemia, and kidney issues as part of the aging process, and often our General Practitioners look at us in a similar manner. In general this results in delayed diagnosis with late stage myeloma and end organ damage. In fact, depending on which study you read, only 6% to 23% of patients are found in stage one, while 73% to 94% are not found till they are either ISS(International Staging System) stage 2 or stage 3. This would make little difference if life expectancy were the same for all patients no matter what the stage, however there is a significant difference. An NCBI (National Center For Biotechnology Information) study reports the following life expectancy by ISS stage for myeloma. So, if found in stage 1 you should live 5.2 years longer than if found in stage 3 or 240% longer. And if found in stage 1 instead of stage 2 you would live 2.4 more years or 165% longer. Let me assure you any clinical trial which could provide this result would be considered miraculous. So what is it then that needs to change? Dr. Irene Ghobrial of Dana Farber Cancer Institute said it best when she highlighted the following on a Cure Talk broadcast:
AuthorGary R. Petersen CategoriesArchives
January 2025