You can see the actual survival data for myeloma if you CLICK HERE. Based on this data, it looks as though life expectancy will not reach 6 years for another 2 years. Why? I had thought the improvements we had seen historically would continue at the same rate, however improvement has been stagnant. First the NCI data is always 2 years behind and as a result most of the recent new game changing drugs are not in the data (ie. Dara, Elo, and Ninlaro) because they were approved in 2015. The other less optimistic point is the two year survival rates have not changed in last 5 years, and the 3 year survival has not changed for 4 years. So what does this mean?
This means 20% of patients do not survive year one and 35% do not live past 3 years. So the good news is that if you make it to 3 years, each additional year death is less likely. High risk patients have had an average life expectancy of 2 years. But at 3 years this would only have an impact of approximately 11.25% or less than 1/3 of the total impact of 35% three year death rate of myeloma patients. Late diagnosis and other factors represent 1 in 5 patients or 20% die in the first 2 months based on the Myeloma UK data. A great You Tube video by Myeloma UK is below. The US rate must be a little bit lower because our one year rate is between 19 and 20%.
So the sky is the limit if we can just find myeloma in the precursor state, monitor it, and treat it early! That will be the key to extending life expectancy and potentially cure! In addition, finding an effective high risk myeloma therapy or cure is the ultimate end game.
Good luck and may God Bless your Cancer Journey. For more information on multiple myeloma survival rates and treatments CLICK HERE and you can follow me on twitter at: https://twitter.com/grpetersen1