Multiple myeloma treatment has made some excellent progress in recent years, and do you the patient know why? How do the new drugs and treatments become available? The process developed by the FDA is the Clinical Trial. If a drug successfully goes through the Phases 1,2, and 3 of clinical trials and is FDA approved it then becomes part of the treatment arsenal of the Multiple Myeloma Specialist.
On the 26th of September, there will be a Cure Panel Broadcast featuring Dr. Ajai-Chari from Mount Sinai Hospital, New York, with the express purpose of providing you with "Everything that you wanted to know about clinical trials but were afraid to ask!" You can listen to the rebroadcast of this exceptional show if you just CLICK HERE.
There will be a lot of questions answered, and at present we think that we need to add another broadcast because this subject has generated so much interest and questions and the questions continue to come in at a remarkable rate.
So why is there so much interest in understanding clinical trials? I personally believe, as does Jenny Ahlstrom of www.mPatient.org, that it has not been explained in a way the patient can understand, or that there is just not enough locations local to the patient that provides these life saving options. Just 3% of patients participate in clinical trials, and this limits the number and scope of the trials. Fewer trials equals less success. So what has been the success so far? Revlimid, Velcade, Kyprolis, and Pomalyst are all a result of successful clinical trials. I thank God for all the patients that have participated, and to the doctors who take the effort to put up with the headaches caused by the clerical efforts required to conduct a clinical trial.
So you will hear why you should participate, what are the financial benefits, and how trials can extend your life when you have exhausted all of the "standard protocols". See you on Thursday. Good luck and may God Bless your Myeloma journey.
For more information on multiple myeloma go to the web site www.myelomasurvival.com or you can follow me on twitter at: https://twitter.com/grpetersen1