Myeloma - The Enemy
In a recent Cure Talks broadcast Dr. June, the father of CAR T, said it was no longer a matter of if, but a matter of when we will find a cure for myeloma and most cancers. His point was with CAR T, it was just a matter of finding the right target antigen or combination of antigens on the surface of the cancerous cell and this would be the method to cure. For myeloma he identified two antigens and is now conducting a trial for bi specific CAR T cells which have two targets. So if some of the cells do not express one antigen, then it likely expresses the other and is still destroyed. Combinations of CAR T expressing BCMA, CD19, and CD38 are already in clinical trials or under consideration. In addition there is work on many bispecific and even trispecific combinations. CAR T has great potential with combination targets.
Another recent discovery has been the use of monoclonal antibodies. Daratumumab has been an exciting new treatment with a single agent overall response rate of 29%. However Glaxo Smith Kline has taken this one step further by attaching a toxin to their BCMA antibody. This is called an ADC(Antibody Drug Conjugate). This seems like a new development, however this concept was proposed in 1913 by German physician and scientist Paul Ehrlich of the selective delivery of toxic agents to target cells causing disease. An example of this concept for myeloma is the new drug GSK2857916 which now is in clinical trial. The overall response rate for this drug as single agent was 60% or twice that of Daratumumab. Not to be left behind Daratumumab has been turned into a AWC(Anitbody Warhead Conjugate) by the biotech company Actinium Pharmaceuticals, Inc.(ATNM) This AWC showed a 10 fold improvement in myeloma cell death in vivo vs. Darzalex alone. Finally, Takeda has a new CD38 antibody called TAK-079 and they are partnering with the biotech Molecular Templates(MTEM) to manufacture what they call a ETB(Engineered Toxin Bodies)
When we hear of drugs having twice to 10 times the killing power of any other single agent activity yet tested, we must be on the cusp of CURE.
If age related reduction in immune system function is a key to myeloma progression, then improvements in T cell function seems like a logical approach. In line with this premise is an interesting development at Johns Hopkins, spearheaded by the Dr. Ivan Borrello. It is the use of MIL's. MIL's (marrow infiltrating lymphocytes) are T cells which are in the bone marrow, and the body has mobilized them to fight the myeloma. It is therefore thought expanding them and reentering a new larger T cell army to turn the tide back to the patient. Dr. Borello states: ”The concept is that the bone marrow, in addition to being the site of the tumor is also a very unique immune site where it is a reservoir of memory antigen experienced T cells."
Good luck and may God Bless your Cancer Journey. For more information on multiple myeloma survival rates and treatments CLICK HERE and you can follow me on twitter at: https://twitter.com/grpetersen1