The's Jenny Ahlstrom wrote a heartfelt goodbye to Pat in a post titled "Goodbye Dear Friend: A Tribute to Myeloma Advocate Pat Killingsworth" To view CLICK HERE.
Just look at the over 130 comments on Pat's last two blog posts if you CLICK HERE, and HERE.
Cure Talks Priya Menon posted "Remembering Pat Killingsworth - Saying Good Bye to a Dear Friend " - CLICK HERE and the Cure Talks panel said there last goodbye to their beloved fellow panelist Pat if you CLICK HERE.
The MMRF Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation had a post you can see if you CLICK HERE.
Patient Power posted "The Loss of a Patient Power Friend" - CLICK HERE
Myeloma Teacher Cynthia Chmielewski posted - CLICK HERE
Dana Holmes Smoldering Myeloma Group - CLICK HERE
The Myeloma Beacon had a post titled "Remembering Pat Killingsworth" which has over 60 comments- CLICK HERE
Matt vs Myeloma provided a blog post "Rest In Peace Pat Killingsworth" - CLICK HERE
The Florida Times Union's wrote in the Home/News - CLICK HERE
The IMF (International Myeloma Foundation) of which Pat was a Support Group Leader and a IMF myeloma ambassador provided a column in the IMF Myeloma Minute - CLICK HERE, Robin Tuohy wrote a post called "Keep Smiling My Friend" - CLICK HERE, and a facebook post. - CLICK HERE
I could go on and on because Pat was one of the few people in the world that seemed to be loved by all. Pat beat myeloma and was in sCR, and he will continue to be an inspiration to me and the entire myeloma patient community. Please share some memories of Pat by viewing the attached video.