It is my belief. the LLS is the most visible cancer society in the nation and maybe in the world, and being part of the name would go a long way to get people to at least hear of myeloma and learn more about it on the LLS site and in general. We are the second most common blood cancer, yet do not even get a mention in the name of the most well respected and visible cancer society and site in the world. As Pat might have said "Myeloma Gets NO RESPECT"! Lack of awareness in the community of General Practitioners, Oncologists, and Hematologists must result in what Dr. Morgan of UAMS says is just a scandal. Twenty percent of myeloma patients die within the first 2 months of diagnosis because of late diagnosis or misdiagnosis. LLS, I beg you give us an M, SOS, SOS, Save Our Souls! You do not understand just how many lives you will save with a simple M. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, GIVE MYELOMA PATIENTS AN M! LLM!!!
GARY PETERSEN([email protected])