By no means is this a totally complete or inclusive list, but reflects only our best efforts to provide a more complete list of potentially skilled Multiple Myeloma doctors. We have vetted the list as best we can with the limited resources available, however as always you are your own best advocate and therefore should do your own research and make your own best treatment decisions. Doctors who have submitted data or have published their data are highlighted in black, and are also listed on the home page of with their survival rate statistics. I believe those doctors that have provided data and use this data to help to improve their results though continuous improvements in their programs would be my first choice, because I always make my decisions guided by data and results(The Consumer Reports Approach). Just click on the home button at the top of the page to view their data. All of these doctors have adequately met the criteria that I outlined on the home page and in my blog post at the following link: This listing is in alphabetic order. Just click on this GO TO LIST
May God Bless your myeloma journey /Gary Petersen/[email protected]