The newest and most up to date treatment for myeloma will be presented by Dr. Guido Tricot. He has been a leader in the myeloma treatment since his days at UAMS. His program has resulted in estimated life expectancy 2 to 3 times the average published by the National Cancer Institute. He was also Pat's doctor and was able to get Pat into sCR. and will be able to discuss TTP, which was the rare blood disorder twice as rare as myeloma which caused Pat's brain aneurysm.
Just so you all know this educational program is still very much alive, and although Pat's recent passing had all but eliminated new sign ups, they have started to pick up and we have 100 signed up, but still have 50 spots available.
A draft of the Myeloma Survival School is as follows:
Dr Guido Tricot, MD, PHD-U of Iowa Hospital/Holden Comprehensive Cancer Center
"Total Therapy Demystified"
His Staff: 2 nurses will be speaking on "The Transplant Experience from a Nurse's Perspective"
Melanie House, PT, Clinical Specialist will be speaking on "The Physical Challenges of Myeloma from Diagnosis to Treatment"
Mary Doyle,(Pattie's Sister) Facility Administrator for Newport Richey Kidney Center will speak on "Protect Your Kidneys" Diet/Dialysis/Labs She is also bringing Maria Ramos, Patient Liaison/Patient Care Technician with her.
Dr. Brian Van Ness, PhD, U of MN, speaking on "Promising New Drug Research".
John McKillip, DDS, U of Missouri College of Dentistry tells his transplant experience.
Dr Ryan Perkins, Oncologist from Ackerman Cancer Center in Jacksonville, speaking on "Innovations in Radiation Therapy".
Kim Alexander (Wife of Elijah Alexander-NFL) tells her story and her goal to duplicate Myeloma Patient support in every place Elijah played.
Tracy Bonds, RN, Amgen's Clinical Nursing Educational Team on "The Survivorship Deck: Four tests to keep you on top of things," together with Dave Visel
New FDA Approved Drug information
Caring for the Caregiver
How the MMRF and IMF can help-support available
Myeloma and food, Chi Gung, managing your oral meds
In addition, many myeloma advocates and Pat's friends will be there to meet and greet and provide you with their myeloma incites. Cynthia Chmielewsk, Nick Van Dyk, Danny Parker, Gary Petersen, Andy Sninsky, Kimberly Alexander, Matt Goldman and more.
Pat and Patti would like no more than to have a full house, and even after death, Pat provides hope and a future for all of us in the myeloma patient community. PLEASE CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP. And as always Feel Good and Keep Smiling!