This broadcast has a wealth of information, and I had planned on blogging about it in more detail, however Pat Killingworth has sent me a link to his blog that provides a very nicely written summary of the broadcast. To view this summary clink on the link: Pats Blog
Two other summaries by the Cure Talk staff are available if you clink on: CureTalk1 orCureTalk2.
Priya Menon had also written the attached about this broadcast.
"Let People Live Their Lives!" Listen to Dr. Berenson on Myeloma Treatment without Transplant - Cure Panel Talk Show Broadcast
CureTalk thanks Dr. James Berenson, Gary Petersen, Jack Aiello, Pat Killingsworth, and Matt Goldman for a very engaging and informative web panel discussion on multiple myeloma treatment. We had a full house listening to Dr. Berenson talk about his IMBCR ‘no transplant’ treatment and the panelists extracting as much information and knowledge from Dr. Berenson. Dr. Berenson patiently explained and answered all questions posed to him by panelists as well as the callers.