So if you have another cancer and can find this book in your library, or find a way to view MD Anderson's results you can then compare the most recent period to the data provided by SEER for 2000 for 5 year survival. SEER data is available if you CLICK HERE. Just remember the MD Anderson data is overall survival and must be adjusted to be comparable to the SEER relative survival data. The difference between overall survival and relative survival is that relative survival excludes deaths for any other cause, such as car accidents, heart attack, or stroke. For myeloma the average age of patients is 70, and the adjustment is to add 9.725% to the MD Anderson data. The younger the average age of the patients for any other cancer the lower the adjustment, and the older the average age the higher the adjustment. To find the adjustment for other average ages you can compute it from the data provided by the Social Security Life Tables by CLICKING HERE.
Thank you MD Anderson for taking a leadership role in survival rate transparency, now if you could only make it free. I bet the added patient count would pay for your book!
For more information on multiple myeloma survival rates and life expectancy go to the web site, or you can follow me on my twitter account at: