Dr. Shaji Kumar led the presentation, with what I can only call a knock- out punch, that set the stage for all that followed. His first remarks centered on a recent presentation that Mayo provided at ASH that showed the tremendous progress in survival rates and life expectancy that the currently approved FDA novel agents and newer treatments have provided in just 5 short years at the Mayo Clinic. This data represents the progress that was made with the older approved novel agents of Velcade, Revlimid, and Thalidomide, and excludes any of the most recent novel agents of Carfilzomib and Pomalidomide, and all the other agents that Dr. Kumar and Dr. Faber addressed during this broadcast.
Dr. Faber discussed the newest drugs under development for multiple myeloma that include drugs that target different pathways and other classes of drugs. They included a KSP inhibitor, Daratumumab, BTK inhibitor, and BAFF-1 inhibitor. Dr. Faber also talked about some of the very promising research coming from the combination of the same class of drugs like Revlamid and Thalidomide. Both are iMiDs, but found to work well in combination. Dr. Faber did an exceptional job in presenting this new data in a manner that was understandable and patient friendly. Priya Menon of Cure Talk provided a nice summary of the broadcast at the link: http://trialx.com/curetalk/2013/01/myeloma-patients-living-longer-the-cure-panel-talk-show-with-dr-shaji-k-kumar-and-dr-edward-a-faber/ Pat Killingsworth, a panel member and author, had a recent blog post with his takeaways from the broadcast and you can find it at the link: http://multiplemyelomablog.com/2013/01/myeloma-cure-talk-broadcast-focuses-on-emerging-myeloma-therapies.html
Dr. Faber and Dr. Kumar not only provided us with this valuable information, but professionally and clearly answered all of the panel's questions, as well as all the questions asked by the listeners. Please do listen to the broadcast, I think you will see your NEW FUTURE, and it is brighter.
And as always may God Bless your myeloma journey/Gary Petersen [email protected]
For more information on multiple myeloma go to www.myelomsurvival.com